Saturday, January 16, 2010

Charlie "Chokehold" Sheen Vs. Tiger "Two-Timin" Woods

In a world where there are more than a few things that don't exactly sit well with me, each of these fine gentlemen's recent actions have captivated my attention. If you have yet to hear of one or either of these stories, I will give you a quick low down on the situations.
Charlie Sheen, an actor best know for his hit show "Two and a Half Men," had the police called on him by his wife this past Christmas. Sheen and wife, Brooke Mueller, came home late and had been drinking that evening. Well, one thing led to another and ol' Chaz decided to choke and hold a knife to his dearly beloved.
Now Tiger on the other hand, was found to be cheating on his extremely beautiful supermodel wife with what is now said to be eleven different mistresses (according to In his defense, I have a feeling that more than a few of those girls are lying through their teeth just to be in the spotlight.
At this point, you're probably wondering why all of this is relevant. These stories don't sit well with me because Tiger is the one losing endorsements and enduring a staggering amount of public ridicule while Sheen is not even in jail or on trial or, compared to Tiger, in the news at all. As a matter of fact, the ratings of his show have skyrocketed! I guess beating up your wife just isn't as serious as it used to be. Well now if i ever have a television show of my own that needs a boost in the ratings, I'll know that all I have to do is beat up my wife.
Tiger has to hide to escape hordes of paparazzi while Charlie celebrates his highest ratings ever? I understand that what Tiger did was terrible but honestly if anyone else on the PGA Tour did the same thing it wouldn't be anywhere near the front page. God only knows what would happen if Tiger would have held a knife to his spouse. It's probably what every journalist in the world has wet dreams about.
By now I'm sure I've exceeded the word limit (whatever it was) by quite a bit. But to limit my thoughts and feelings on such a subject would be like clipping the wings of a majestic eagle. Though both of these gentlemen are complete idiots, it just seems quite unfair that one suffers in solidarity while another sits back and watches his career soar. It all just a load of unjust bullspit. Welser, OUT!